Omega-3 Index Basic Test Kit


When taking the NuEthix Formulations Omega-3 Index Basic Test, you will be given a specific percentage that measures the amount of EPA and DHA in your blood. An average percentage that is ideal would be around 8% or higher on the range as it is displayed as the lowest risk zone.

Unfortunately, the average American has a percentage of 4% or lower which is a cause of concern and is listed as high risk.

Protecting your health is critical and by utilizing the Omega-3 Index Basic Test, you will be able to evaluate your percentage and take action to protect your overall health and wellbeing.

Our Guarantee

We keep a close eye on all aspects of the manufacturing process as well as the therapeutic outcomes at the consumer level.

From testing each ingredient at the raw level to having third party publicized testing after manufacturing and keeping tabs on customer feedback and lab work (through our network of health coaches) we ensure every product contains and does what is says.

You can enter your product name and/or enter your lot number found on your bottle in our search bar at the top and you can find your assay results showing that what is on your label is in your bottle.

The seal of quality is our guarantee that what is on the label is in fact in the bottle. We also guarantee our products raw materials are tested before they enter the facility, 1 of 5 only drug free manufactures in the nation, for microbes, drugs, heavy metals and label claims.

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